WPRD Foundation
The Williston Parks and Recreation Foundation has been established to promote the mission of the Williston Parks and Recreation District:

"Superior parks, facilities, and programs for all to enjoy an active life."
- To increase the quality and quantity of youth programs in the Williston area
- To broaden the scope of services offered to seniors in the community.
- To fund projects that will enhance the facilities and programs offered by WPRD.
Tax Deductible

The Williston Parks and Recreation Foundation is a federally recognized 501(c)3. Your donation is 100% tax deductible.
Ways to Give
- Endowments
- Match Funds & Grants
- Legacy and/or Living Will
- Sponsorships Opportunities
- Memorial and/or Tribute gifts
- Stocks/IRA’s and Planned gifts
- Free Will | Cash, Check or Credit
- In-Kind | land assets, construction materials, etc.
- Finally, when purchasing beer or other refreshments at our Muni Clubhouse, these funds go directly back to the WPRD Foundation.
Foundation Members
President | Lorri Amsden |
Vice President | Skye Olsen |
Board Members | Brad Krenz, Pace Bates, Justin Graham, Karen Guglich |
Memorial Tree Donations
Trees are an excellent living memorial and a means to beautifying Williston. Trees are available for purchase from the park district. In addition to the tree purchase, a maintenance fee will apply.
Donors will be recognized with a letter of appreciation and the opportunity to be present as the tree is planted.
Donations may also be given for the replacement for trees or shrubs that did not survive in our park system or for future plantings at locations to be determined by the Park District. These donations will be used on an as needed basis to replace and plant trees enhancing the beauty of our park system. We ask for a minimum $300.00 donation for this program.
Bench Dedication Program
Benches are an outstanding memorial that can make a park more practical and attractive!
Donors will be recognized with a letter of appreciation and the opportunity to be present as the bench is put in place. The bench can be engraved to be personalized. The Park District will work with the party in locating an appropriate location for the bench. We ask for a minimum donation for $1000.00 for this program.