WPRD 1% Sales & Use Tax Funding - June 10th, 2025 Special Election
Your Vote Matters!
Your vote is crucial in securing the future of Williston Parks and Recreation District (WPRD). On June 10, 2025, voters will have the chance to determine whether or not to continue the existing 1% percent sales tax indefinitely that currently funds parks, facilities, and programs throughout WPRD.
What would change to the current tax payer with the Williston Community?
The 1% sales tax funding for WPRD has been in place since 2012, when it was approved by a public vote to help fund the construction of the Williston Area Recreation Center (ARC). Without this measure, the ARC would not have been built. For a detailed comparison of revenue generated through property taxes over the last 12 years versus the actual revenue created, please see the document below.
What happens if the 1% sales tax is not extended or is extended?
If the 1% sales tax is not extended, WPRD will lose a significant revenue source, forcing them to seek alternative funding for community parks, facilities, and programs. By 2032, property taxes would resume as the primary funding source, making it challenging to address needs outlined in the Master Plan. If extended, the 1% sales tax would provide long-term financial stability, reduce the tax burden on local residents, capture revenue from visitors, and offer property tax relief, with a 2024 savings of $583.09 for a $300,000 home.
What does the 1% Sales Tax Extension mean for the future of WPRD?
WPRD would continue to receive funding from sales tax to maintain and improve parks, facilities, and programs, as well as plan for future capital projects. The proposed indefinite sales tax extension does not represent unlimited revenue, as legislative caps are in place, and large capital projects would still require a public vote. The indefinite status of the 1% funding would enable WPRD leadership to effectively plan for long-term operations and capital projects via a sales tax revenue stream.
WPRD Capital project list - Planned/Planning stages (non-exhaustive)
ARC Updates:
- Concessions area (firm)
- Aquatics maintenance - investigative/preventative
- General building maintenance- investigative/ preventative
- Added storage
Raymond Center Remodel:
- Complete overhaul of the facility with the intent of using it as a home base for most athletics and it would help to relieve pressure on the ARC
- Potential additions (getting quotes)
- New roof and siding
- Gutted inside to minimize dead space and accommodate new uses of the facility
- New ice infrastructure (dependent on new ice facility)
- Axillary recreation space
New Ice Facility:
- Two sheets with room to expand to three
- Turf room and/or indoor playground
- Concession space
Park Planning:
- Updated trails network with more connectivity. Address current deferred maintenance needed at trails in the system.
- Site plans for Harmon Park to replace old Eckert Pool
- Site plans for Cote Park to add:
- Paved parking lot
- Added amenities such as pickleball, tennis and basketball
- Site plans for Davidson Park
- Safety focus on addressing traffic through Davidson Drive
- Site plans for a new park near the ARC off from Dakota Parkway
Airport Hangar:
- Stand alone turf facility
Water World:
- Long-term operations and maintenance
Do you have a question, comment or concern about the 1% Sales & Use Tax Funding that was not answered above?
We would love to answer it! Please fill out this inquiry and a member of our team will reach out within three business days of submission.
Would you like to discuss this further?
We are here to answer all of your questions and concerns. Please contact us through our normal channels or contact, Executive Director, Joe Barsh, directly to arrange a time to speak more on this topic.
How can you help? Get out and Vote!
This is your chance to make a difference and let your voice be heard for our Park District.
- Here's how to Vote!
- Vote on Election Day, June 10, 2025: Polls are open from 8:00am-7:00pm in the Williston ARC Meeting Rooms
- Can't make it to the Polls?:
- Absentee Ballets are available beginning, Thursday, May 1, 2025 (40 days prior to Election Day).
- In person Absentee Ballots are ONLY available from the Williams County Auditor’s Office.
- Apply Online for an Absentee Ballot and it will be mailed to you.
- Ballots will not be mailed after May 30, 2025.
- Absentee Ballets are available beginning, Thursday, May 1, 2025 (40 days prior to Election Day).