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Sports Sampler Camp

Assorted sports equipment: a basketball, badminton rackets, tennis balls, a football, and other small balls.

Sports Sampler Camp is camp that introduces your child to a variety of different sports and each day 1-2 new sports will be introduced. The location will be indoors or outdoors, depending on the weather and  communicated through email. We are excited to offer this program just a few weeks before school begins so your child to find what they are interested in before sports seasons are back in session!

*Equipment required but not provided: Any specific equipment required will be sent via email based on sports offered.



DATES:July 28-July 31
DAYS:Monday - Thursday
AGES | TIMESKindergarten | 10:00am-10:50am
1st & 2nd Grade | 11:00am-11:50am
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